Press Releases

Patricia Urena Honored as 56th Assembly District 2016 Women of the Year

(SACRAMENTO) – Earlier today at the State Capitol, Patricia Urena of El Centro was honored as the 56th Assembly District’s 2016 Woman of the Year.  Selected for the honor by Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, Ms. Urena joined women from all over the state to be recognized for their contributions during a special Assembly Floor Session.

Assemblymember Garcia Advocates for the Restoration of the Salton Sea

(SACRAMENTO, CA.) – Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) provided testimony at the State Water Resources Control Board’s (State Water Board) public workshop yesterday regarding the need to have strong and clear mid and long term solutions to the endangered Salton Sea.

Garcia Pushes Clean Energy at UN Climate Change Conference

(PARIS, France) – Joining the world's top climate leaders on his fourth day at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in France, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) spoke today at the United Nations Children's Fund 'Earth to Paris' forum. Other panelist included Jules Kortenhorst of the Rocky Mountain Institute, Bernard J.

Governor Signs All of Assemblymember Garcia’s Bills

(COACHELLA, CA) –With the Governor’s signing deadline ending yesterday, and in the midst of the baseball playoffs, local Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) went 16 for 16 this legislative season and had all of his bills and resolutions signed by Governor Brown.  Topping his bill list were measures that would not only bring environmental and economic relief to the areas of the Coachella